Minting manual
Before you mint, make sure you’re at The presale goes live on January 2nd, and the final sale on January 7th, both at 8 PM UTC.
Also make sure that you have Metamask installed and that you have enough Ethereum in your wallet. We recommend 0.08 to 0.1. This should be more than enough to mint the NFT, including gas fees. It will probably be less than that depending on when you mint (because of varying gas prices), but keep some more just in case.

When you come on the mint page, Metamask will prompt you to connect to the website. In this example, I have two Metamask accounts, so I have to pick which one I want to connect and click next. Then click on the blue “Connect” button. If you have only 1 account, you should be able to click on the blue “Connect” button immediately.

Fill in the amount you want to mint, from 1 up to 10. Click on the “Mint now” button. In this example we only mint one.

Metamask pops up. It shows you an overview of the gas fees and mint price. It also shows the total cost. Check it and click on “Confirm”. IMPORTANT: Do not try to adjust the gas fee/cost, your transaction can run out of gas, and it will fail. Just keep it as is and all should be good.

The transaction is now being processed on the Ethereum network. The turning orange circle is showing that it’s still processing. You can close the window, or wait until the transaction is complete.

When the transaction is complete, the loading will end and your LTWC amount will update. As you can see, it now says “You own 1 LTWC”, where it previously said “You own 0 LTWC”, before you minted.
Congrats! Now you know how to mint an LTWC NFT!